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Fantastic demo, really great atmosphere, art and writing which kept my attention throughout. Friend is an intriguing character, I am very eager to see where this story goes with further updates. Think I've got all the endings and they were all quite effective (especially loved being able to get a different variation on one of them, not something I see very often). I am quite curious if the no save or load option will have greater effect in the full game, it definitely caught me off guard when that warning came up and kept me on edge for my first playthrough (especially as my first run seemed to get me all the creepy content). But as I explored more options it didn't feel like that warning came to anything, it just made it take longer to see other choices and endings. Great game, glad I gave it a shot and will definitely be keeping an eye on it. 

Okay so how do I play the game?? I download the files and try to open the game but didn't open the game only bring me into the game files itself, so Idk wot it is or is it just use differently for laptops enable to play the game??

As far as i know the game should run on all windows and mac laptops...did you extract the files from the zipped file?

this was great!i love the character design and was always suprised about new dialogue,I hope there will be more i love this so much :) 


i was wondering if anyone could help me, I got a Mac Pro but when I downloaded it and tried to start it it said it doesn't work because the developer can't be verified and could have a malware. Does anyone else struggle with this/or know how to help me??

If you right-click on the program and hit open, you should be able to open it from there!

I genuinely enjoyed the game so far. Thank you for making it. I really liked the art style too. Of course there are lots of things I've missed, as I only got one ending. However, the game still managed to get me hooked and that's more than great. Thank you for making the game and I hope to see more projects in the future. 

I'll reply this comment once I finish all the endings. (If I don't forget lol) 


woah !! this was soo soo good !! i got all 3 endings in one sitting and enjoyed all of them. I have to say i really liked his character and i am excited for the full release !!

Gotta say, I genuinely had fun playing this! I played this with my friend and we had a great time. I don't know if it was intentional, but my entire computer crashed when I chose once of the obvious "wrong" decisions and it scared me lol.

Amazing game <3

I really enjoyed this! I believe I must have gotten the safe route my first play through, so I play on playing through it again! it is intriguing and has a nice undertone that makes it a bit uncomfortable, so you suspect Friend has other motives. Definally looking forward to the full release!


And All I Can Say Is... 


how many endings are there?

i love him


Naw, I like to give yanderes the love they're looking for - and he is soo cute! Good shit right there! \o/ <3

Omg just finished this and I love it!!!!


I love this game its undoubtedly the best yandere visual novel I've seen. Will we get a part 2 where we have him as our bf pls? ;-; 


How to achieve the hidden ending?


I love this game so muchh. I regret not knowing this before.

I like how Friend always says "Its ok if u don't want to" and the fact he's glitching!

(a bit of spoiler below)
I got interested when things would go back in time and there were some glitchy parts of him/ Noticed that in the main menu it says "Play with me" and some choices had Friend's message like "apologize, i'll forgive you". I'm excited for the full game and the lore, especially Friend's well written character too!!

honestly, I think this is the first yandere visual novel I've played and it's absolutely amazing and well-made!!!!!!


this has to be one of my all time favourite visual novels! Friend is so dashing, hilarious and cool I love him! 


If it isn't Friend I don't want it!!!!!


This was amazing! It has to be one of my favourites that I have played so please make more haha :D You did a great job. 

It was so much fun! I really like him <3 

I usually don't get scared easily but the intro jumpscare caught me off guard. 


Definitely cant upload the explicit bedroom scene to youtube lmao.

(1 edit)

I was wondering what happened to the save and the option when I was playing. It isn't there anymore after the update. The game itself is amazing! I can't wait to see more from the game. Hopefully theirs a walk through for the Secret Ending and other ending as well. I really love Friend. What a gentlemen he is. ♥

I love this so much!! This game is so far the best game ive ever played:DD


Really enjoyed the game! Friend is probably one of the better written characters of this genre I have come across, I can see why the mc is friends with him, and I like how his actions aren't too over the top and unrealistic. Loved it!


I really loved the game and plot I just really hope you make it available for android because my phone is an android so I had to play this on desktop,overall I love the game.

Deleted post

I can't believe I just discovered this game! And here I was thinking I had already played every Yandere game available, haha.

I really liked it! Friend was very charming, and I enjoyed the times when you could see his darker personality peeking through his, well, friendliness.

really really good


Will this be avaliable to play on ChromeOS in the future?

Hmm, I'll see if I can figure something out. I shall do my best! ^^

Thank you!!^^

That would be super cool! Since I have a chrome- I saw a gameplay of the game it looks super good! ^^


This game is really good. It was fun and the friend was actually really nice.

Thank you for playing omg!


I love this game, and Friend is super hot! Love this.

I really enjoyed this game, it felt realistic and balanced. Not too fast or too slow, perfect. Great work! I can't wait to see what you make in the future.

Deleted 2 years ago

It depends on if you have windows or apple, but with windows, you just hit the download button on the previous page. I usually open the downloads folder and move it to my desktop so I can find it easily. Then you need to unzip it, again I usually just do that right to the desktop. Then after it's unzipped you open the folder and find the game that should be listed as see thru: Need a friend.exe, double click that and it should open to the game's main menu.

I hope this helps, if you need more help, just let me know.

Also, you need to have a program on your computer that lets you unzip files. So if you right-click on the first file you download and it doesn't say anything about extracting files or unzipping them, you need to download a program. There are several free ones, you just have to google.

(1 edit) (+1)

It was so worth the wait! Admittedly I only recently started becoming aware of this visual novel over at Tumblr where I was curious about this character named Friend solely because "Who names someone Friend? I gotta look into it a little bit" and I did. I'm not super well-versed at what's going on which kinda worked in my favor as I was pulled in by the mystery of this situation, where I was curious just what exactly is Friend and what's happening. 

But other than that, I loved the little tricks going on such as looking around the room, the obvious reference to MDHM (when I saw Alan I squealed omg), the fade out of Friend leaving behind some of his expressions (I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but I liked it), how Friend literally felt like, well, a friend but with something going on. I nearly forgot he was a yandere because of how much the atmosphere between MC and Friend felt so amiable (well I suppose I'm biased since I only got the Boyfriend Ending and I'm not feeling particularly brave or cruel enough to be a bit rude to Friend).

I'm very excited for the full release because while looking around the game files I saw new characters and they look really cool and interesting! I don't know what sorts of stuff will be brought on by these new faces but regardless I'm looking forward to what these characters will bring to the table! (drama, it's drama that'll be brought)

Great work on this visual novel! I thoroughly enjoyed it and had a lot of fun playing it! Well, other than me being very flustered and having to lean back so far I flopped to the bed when Friend became flirty and all that, hehe, looking forward to see what sorts of shenanigans will come in the full game~!! Hopefully MC makes it out alive~!! Pls...



Are there plans for an android version?

Deleted 2 years ago


I loved the demo and Friend <3 Got the Boyfriend ending and ayyy, he was such a sweet yandere, consider me wrapped around his finger lol 

Can't wait for the full game!


when full release?

huh? it... is released. is it not

yes its not wdym its released

the demo is?? the full game isnt

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