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(1 edit) (+2)

I love it he is so cute and when you love him back even cuter and bedroom scene >///> amazing <3 best part XD <3!

bro i can't tell how hard i blushed and i accidentally got that ending on my school pc (thank god no one saw TvT) 

LMAO XD that would be bad someone saw XD

yeah lol

Could you make a android version pls



i LOVED this game, something about yandere games do sum to me ( 。・_・。)


help my legs didn't survive 


Ok i'm actually scarred to play this game but a lot of people says it's good so idk if i should download it or not


Oh I think you should get it! It kind of depends on how you treat Friend, but something happens when you treat him right the whole game and if you say you like him (you'd see if you download it) Now I don't know about the other endings but if you're too scared maybe you can watch videos on YouTube or something. I do think you'll enjoy it though!:)


Loved the game with all my heart! <3 


Please help i can't play the game TT i downloaded the files (PC) but when i opened it i can't seem to find the application


hello! Game dev here! Would you be able to send a screenshot of what you’re seeing on your screen? (With sensitive info hidden of course)


Is the game full version?



can you play this on phone?

No, I believe not


I need more of him!<3


cried twice, 10/10, any tips on where to find someone like Friend irl? i'm going insane

hello your game I am very interested would it be possible to translate the game into French if you are interested

it will have an android version

Congrats, this is officially the game that changed my mind about yandere. I see the appeal now.


Art is amazing, and I love Friend he's cute, I really enjoy the game ^^ 


I LOVE IT!! SO UNDERRATED, literally in love with Friend and I hope to see more games with him or more games by you in the future! <3


This game is great! Friend is very cute. If there are more plots, I will be looking forward to it!!!



I really like your game! You know I never met Yandere character who was not forced after getting rejected from confess and I have to turn on the air-conditioning to help my face not burnt from blushing.

(1 edit) (+3)

I really like this game. It's very promising. The Yandere is proper mix of cute and terrifying, I love that you get the options to "click" at things to get different MC comments, the "glitchy" segments, overall cool effects + it's the most "advanced" pronoun choice options I've seen in my life. But I have two criticismS:

1. the dialogue/scenes are looping sometimes? 

(edit, I don't think it's specifically a problem with this game but it's either on me or the engine is fucking up? Because I just played a different visual novel and the same thing happened - the scenes are going back and forth instead of progressing, unless you press the "skip" button. Idk what's up with that.)

2. There's no exit button. I know this is such a little thing but I was staring at the menu for like  5 minutes like a dummy. 😭

(1 edit) (+1)

idk if this is what you’re talking about exactly, but I think some parts are like that by design choice? like for example the part where you walk home from work and have the choice to either call Friend or not. tho if you are having similar issues with other games, it might have something to do with the files?? im not sure otherwise

Nope. It's something different entirely. What you're talking about is more purposefully noticeable because the game sort of makes a point of choosing for you. In my game, it sometimes "looped" like... Let's say you have a text saying "You and B ate grass together. They reached over to pat your head. You mooed". In my game it would start going like "You and B ate grass together. They reached over to pat your head. You mooed. They reached over to pat your head. You mooed. You and B ate grass together. They reached over to pat your head. You and B ate grass together. ". It just looped for some reason and would fix itself if I pressed "skip". I thought it was this game but I freshly downloaded some other project and the same thing happened - and I'm pretty sure it was the same engine. Don't remember now. Maybe the issue was on me but it was just really weird, never seen something like that before. In any case - if someone else has a similar issue, pressing "skip" fixes it (but also moves you to the choice option, obviously lol).

Ooh, okay then. I’ve never heard of an issue like that so I don’t know how to fix it sorry 😔. If you think it’s the game engine itself maybe the rtp files are corrupted or something (i don’t remember if this game needed it or not) and you could try deleting and reinstalling? Or your computer itself might have a virus 💀. Idk. sorry I couldn’t be more help than this, tho I hope it ends up working for you ☺️


Enjoyed the game but i would love if you add "saving" and "loading" options too




art is amazing, the writing is top teir and i love how friend acts no matter what choices the player picks!!! this has to be one of my favorite visual games so far with the yandere trope in it 💕💕


simplesmente apaixonada por ele!! A fandom precisa fazer uma wiki pro jogo


Friend will have a name? is boring call him just "friend"


Fun fact, Friend is legally his name XD


no fucking way lol

For cereal I love it XD, for the lore you should check out the Tumblr account


super fun! the writing was really good and the art is great <3


Its surprising how many positive comments are on this game. I feel its a trend these types of creators delete all negative or constructive comments, seems this is one of those situations.
For one the art is armature at best, sure making sprites and backgrounds is hard, but when you release a game like this you want their perspective correct and color palettes to work. Multiple shots in this game are an eye strain with random colors thrown in, and several frames have wonky and obviously incorrect perspective/proportions, not to mention the tracing of almost every car, or hand model. In a final game, mistakes like these wont work. Not to mention the main character is this neon clusterfuck of colors with no rhyme or reason to his design other than being "different" from the other characters already created, but still having the objectively tired emo look.
The writing is subpar, nothing is amazing or horrible about it, its just average. It's like if you picked up a YA novel and flipped to the first romantic pairing scene and copied it into a code. Guess that's all I have to say, hard to believe that all the comments under this thread are positive with no ounce of criticism.

I know you twitter goonies will come after me, but everything other than the writing is objectively facts and not opinion based. Stop deleting comments, you as a creator should be responsible for your own hate.


lol, >talks about colour palettes, "objectively tired emo look" and etc, while saying everything you say is objective other than writing criticism... hmmm.

the character's colour scheme looks nice to me, game just another one out of many many VNs i been browsing through tonight but your comment and it convinces me to play it now...


FINALLY! Personally, I enjoyed the gameplay a bit. The art is not the best, the developer is clearly an amateur. The story was a little short and fast, we didn't get that much information about Friend. Pre-existing relationships are kinda hard to go with. And yes, the color schemes are sometimes a mess ^^'. I'm glad somebody said something eventually, we can't always pretend like everything someone makes is perfect. We all need to be criticized.

Sorry for my broken English, it's not my mother language. 

God bless :)


*amateur not armature

(1 edit) (+12)(-3)

hey moron, at least spellcheck your criticism if you're going to be a smartass. 


pretentious twat is pretentious 


I'm sorry, but since when do game devs of VNs delete comments that are either negative or criticizing the game? I've never seen anyone do that at all, no matter what game I played. Your comment is anything but criticism, you're just being judgmental. And it's pretty funny how you address us who praise this game as "Twitter goonies." FYI, Einstein, not everyone who likes this game came from Twitter. Your take on this is just really bad.


This comment is littered with so much unnecessary hate towards the creator omfg. Seems you didn't like it; you could have kept that to yourself and left out the unneeded conclusion jumping.


this is my comfort game now ^^

Fantastic demo, really great atmosphere, art and writing which kept my attention throughout. Friend is an intriguing character, I am very eager to see where this story goes with further updates. Think I've got all the endings and they were all quite effective (especially loved being able to get a different variation on one of them, not something I see very often). I am quite curious if the no save or load option will have greater effect in the full game, it definitely caught me off guard when that warning came up and kept me on edge for my first playthrough (especially as my first run seemed to get me all the creepy content). But as I explored more options it didn't feel like that warning came to anything, it just made it take longer to see other choices and endings. Great game, glad I gave it a shot and will definitely be keeping an eye on it. 

Okay so how do I play the game?? I download the files and try to open the game but didn't open the game only bring me into the game files itself, so Idk wot it is or is it just use differently for laptops enable to play the game??

As far as i know the game should run on all windows and mac laptops...did you extract the files from the zipped file?

this was great!i love the character design and was always suprised about new dialogue,I hope there will be more i love this so much :) 


i was wondering if anyone could help me, I got a Mac Pro but when I downloaded it and tried to start it it said it doesn't work because the developer can't be verified and could have a malware. Does anyone else struggle with this/or know how to help me??

If you right-click on the program and hit open, you should be able to open it from there!

I genuinely enjoyed the game so far. Thank you for making it. I really liked the art style too. Of course there are lots of things I've missed, as I only got one ending. However, the game still managed to get me hooked and that's more than great. Thank you for making the game and I hope to see more projects in the future. 

I'll reply this comment once I finish all the endings. (If I don't forget lol) 

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